This is a GIF of me working in Keynote for an hour. I exported the slides to jpg and am sharing it here. It’s very rough. Everything below this is just an image.
I skipped the storyboard step. It probably would’ve been better to has sketched out the full storyboard. Keynote is pretty fast but there’s still a long way to go for prototyping this. Something I always tell myself is that working in Keynote or anything else were making static mocks that it’s much much faster than it would be if I was trying to code it.
I wasn’t sure if I was even working on front page or if this was a very long post resembling a single page site. So some of the slides looks like one or the other.
I thought some of these modules were pretty cool. There could be some kind of flat map all The different places.
This is less a prototype and more just sketching with Keynote. It’s really just trying to get some ideas down. These next few there closer to along post rather than a front page.
I really want to get the book notes right. They’re probably the most frequent posts. If someone’s jumping from post to post then I would wager on that going to different notes rather than any of the other categories.
I had an animation of this. You would press the button to get the full dated list of posts. The front page is a very long content piece. With the option to see the list as it exists right now.
And that’s it. An hour wasn’t really enough to prototype, but it was good to see some ideas come out of this. Hopefully the final version is pretty cool and this becomes a fun look at the rough draft. I’m realizing just how much content I would want on this page. I have some writing to do.