In an effort to not jump into tinkering, this is a to-do list of things for this site. I might start adding ideas for upcoming posts to get input on what people want to see. Anyway, here’s a bunch of stuff to start with:
- Put author name in book notes links
- Different treatment of photo posts
- Add front page subheader explaining what’s on the site (sketch)
- Fix the reset query so page nav works—I’m currently _doing_it_wrong()
- Link book notes to parent page with all notes
- Consider weekly or bi-weekly pages of content that I can send out as the newsletter
Add newsletter sign upHide book note posts from the main post listsMigrate content from Jekyll installationBook notes first: some are done alreadyOther posts nextDid an import using the RSS feed — this was very fast but need to do some cleanup. Now just seeing how much cleanup there is I can’t believe I was thinking of importing each manually.
Migrate content from Design SprintsBook notes firstOther posts next
Finish heading styling on book note pagesIt’s currently indented too much after I updated the full page layout
Add analytics IDHandle listing Book Notes posts that don’t have multiple posts
I’ll add sketches to these things to plan things out as they get closer.
Post ideas
- Write about how WordPress has ctrl + shift + f shortcut!
- Try out transcribing podcasts by using audio-out as a microphone input
- Some kind of slideshow
- Some kind of animation
- Some kind of video
- More Framer tutorials
- Some design sprints
- Re-cap the Body Back October
- Recap with stats showing my hockey stick growth in readership (Affirmations, baby!)