Waiting for a haircut

I’m waiting for a haircut and I thought I’d try writing something in this micro section on the go.

I don’t know why I’m calling it a micro blog. That’s what Twitter is. This really is just a regular blog. The category should be like “casual” or something.

I’m still thinking about if I’m going to take pieces from here and revise them for a weekly post. That could be one way to go.

I’m almost done with Tokyo Vice. Really glad I read it. I was thinking that I like it because it’s written with each section as sort of a narrative. Or there are narrative elements at least. It’s based in reality though.

A running thread is how what actually happened differs from what he ended up seeing in the newspaper.

I read once that one of the best lessons you can have is to experience something that ends up being reported in a newspaper. Or to at least only be one degree removed from it. You can see how things get left out or described differently than what happened.

Then you step back and realize that happens for every article.

I’ve been thinking maybe I should just read a straight up crime novel. I wonder how big a difference it would be reading a nonfiction narrative with outrageous things happening to a fiction novel based in reality.

Oh yeah I also dipped into the next book I plan to read. I of course didn’t use the book list I said I would use. Up next was supposed to be The Alchemist. 

Instead, I picked up Decisive. It’s by the same people who wrote Switch and Make it Stick. I remember when it originally came out, it just didn’t sound interesting to me. Making decisions wasn’t something I felt like I struggled with.

Now that I’ve been working on focusing, I’m finding that one of the things I struggle with is deciding what to focus on in the first place.

There are a few solutions to not knowing what to work on next. On one end is deciding quickly and having, say, a 25% chance that it’s the best thing to work on.

You can decide slowly and have a 80% chance that it’s the right thing to work on.

You can decide very very slowly to try to get to 100% but by the time you get started you could’ve done a couple 80% decisions.

Or something.